Day January 15, 2021

The Flexible Mindset 101

What does it mean to have a flexible mindset? Experts argue that people who have this unique quality can manage shifting demands, reconfigure their minds, adjust their overarching perspective about things, and combat the kind of bad thoughts that tend…

Mindfulness 101

Mindfulness is a word that you might have been hearing more often in your daily conversations. At first you may think that you understand what the other person is talking about when they use that word, but the longer the…

Meditation to Overcome Brain Fog

Brain fog is a common ailment that tends to plague those with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, leaky gut syndrome, hormonal imbalances, brain inflammation, anxiety, depression, anemia, stress, thyroid dysfunction like hypothyroidism, diabetes, multiple sclerosis (MS), certain nutrient deficiency, among other…