Those horrible bags beneath the eyes, the uncomfortable joint pain, and the annoying memory loss are just a few of the symptoms you will encounter as you begin aging. These are things that most people deal with later in life, but it does not necessarily have to be. Below are some good ways to not only slow them down, but stop them all together in some cases.

Watch your caloric intake in order to slow down your aging. Overeating and obesity are linked with more health problems than can be listed here. Talk with your doctor about how many calories you should be taking in at your age, weight and fitness level and then stick to it.

In order to look young and slow down the aging process, it is necessary that you eat good amounts of fruits, daily. Like vegetables, fruits contain antioxidants that help your body with hydration. Another thing that fruits have is vitamin C, which helps you to maintain very radiant looking skin.

Taking care of your skin does not only mean using caution when in the sun. You should also take the time to exfoliate your face and body regularly. This gets rid of all of the dry, dead skin that is all over your body which prevents new skin cells from being able to generate in a healthy way.

To make sure you are getting a proper amount of nutrients in your life as you age, try drinking smoothies, three to four times each week. Smoothies taste great and are chock full of good things. They typically contain up to five nutritional servings of fruits and vegetables. Even better, smoothies are rather filling, so as a light lunch or a snack, they can help you control your cravings and lose weight!

Take the time to be grateful for the things that you have in your life. Each day before you get out of bed, stop and think about at least five things that you are thankful for. This can be your heath, family, friends or any other little thing that you appreciate in life.

While your body may not feel as spry as it used to when you were younger, you will still want to get exercise to keep it working at top capacity. Exercising feels good because it releases endorphins, which makes you feel good. A quick walk around the block or even around the mall will have you feeling better in no time.

A critical factor to prevent aging and increase lifespan is to not smoke. Smoking destroys the body and speeds up the aging process. Smoking is the easiest way to look older and shorten your lifespan at the same time. It causes disease, ages the skin, and is overall one of the main preventable killers known to man.

Aging is about more than a negative impact on your skin's appearance. Many people think it can be solved with simple lotions and oils, but that is not enough to dig in and fight some of the real symptoms that aging brings about. The advice given here does exactly that and should be followed in a way that benefits you.