The term ‘brain fog’ isn’t a clinical term, but one which is widely used to refer to an inability to focus and process coherent thoughts. It can also be called ‘cognitive dysfunction’ or ‘mental fog,’ while medical experts use the term ‘mild cognitive impairment.’According to WebMD, “Brain fog” isn’t a medical condition. It’s a term used for certain symptoms that can affect your ability to think. You may feel confused or disorganized or find it hard to focus or put your thoughts into words.”While brain fog is not a medical condition, it is debilitating because it affects your ability to think clearly.

Common Symptoms

  • Fatigue
  • Mental confusion
  • Inability to concentrate or hold a train of thought
  • Low motivation
  • Irritability
  • Forgetfulness
  • Poor cognitive skills
  • Inability to memorize
  • Anxiety


While the actual cause of brain fog hasn’t yet been identified, there are a combination of factors which may lead up to it. Some of these factors include:

  • Chronic illness (such as Multiple Sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, depression)
  • Lack of sleep
  • Overwork/Overwhelm
  • Stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Depression
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • Certain Medications
  • Menopause
  • Cancer treatment

There are effective ways to clear your mind and stop brain fog from interfering in your life.


While we all sleep during the night or take naps during the day, it may not be the quality sleep that our brains and bodies require. Aim to sleep for 7 – 9 hours each night. If you also like taking naps, make sure they don’t last more than 30 minutes. They’re a great way for your brain to go on a break and recharge.

Eat right

Grabbing snacks on the go is something we’re all used to because it’s easier and saves us time. But in the long run, processed foods wreak havoc on our systems. They’re loaded with sugar, fats and preservatives. Instead, opt for foods with protein and healthy fats, as well as brain-nourishing, anti-inflammatory foods which prevent brain fog while boosting energy levels throughout the day. Eat brain food, including fatty fish, avocados, blueberries and broccoli and seeds.The right types of food also balance blood sugar levels which, if drop to low levels (hypoglycemia), can also lead to brain fog.


One of the main reasons behind brain fog is a lack of oxygen reaching the brain. Exercise, on the other hand, enhances blood circulation, pumping blood through your veins and giving your brain the oxygen, it needs to work at its optimal level.You don’t have to do a full hour of cardio, you can take a brisk walk at lunch, garden, swim or anything you enjoy that gets you moving. Here are a few ideas to try:

  • Sports
  • Tai Chi
  • Playing with the kids at the park
  • Yoga


While it may seem trivial, it has to be mentioned because so many people forget to drink enough water throughout the day. Even a little bit of dehydration – as little as 2% – can cause major problems, mainly because 73% of your brain is made up of water.

Get Stress Under Control

Tuning out stress with the help of a mindless activity can really decrease the effects of brain fog. Doing something enjoyable reduces stress which, in turn, reduces brain fog symptoms while boosting productivity. Stress Reduction Ideas

  • Meditation
  • Enjoying A Hot Bath
  • Reading
  • Listen To Soothing Music/Sounds Of Nature
  • Working Less
  • Regular Relaxation Moments Throughout Your Day
  • Engaging in positive habits while letting go of negative ones

You can stop brain fog from interfering with your life and improve your life quality with the power of healthy, positive habits. Incorporate some – or all – into your daily routine to lift the fog, increase your focus and boost your cognitive abilities.Stay well and take care!