Even if you regularly brush and floss, there is still some good knowledge you can attain to make your teeth even whiter. There are so many ways to enhance your teeth's whiteness, and a lot of this knowledge can be found here.

If you are looking for a natural way to whiten your teeth, use fresh lemons. Just rub a lemon peel's insides onto your teeth every day in order to have whiter teeth. This is a teeth whitening method that is quick, easy and cheap. You can whiten your teeth by using lemon peels and avoid using chemicals that are found in most whiteners.

Sometimes whitening strips that need to be in your mouth for two hours are hard on sensitive gums. Try the 30 minute version instead. Although you will have to put these strips on over a longer period of time, it will help you with your discomfort.

When using over-the-counter teeth whitening products it is important to read and follow the directions very carefully. Don't leave the strips or gel on longer than the instructions dictate, as this could lead to sores and problems in your mouth. Avoid drinking or eating acidic foods or beverages for a couple of hours after treatment.

You may want to have your dentist perform your teeth whitening if you have bad staining. It is not cheap, though. The money may be worth it to you, if you want fast results and super white teeth.

When you are whitening your teeth with a kit that requires a tray, it is necessary that this tray properly fits around your teeth. Chemicals will affect the gumline when the tray doesn't sit properly. Stop using the product if you show any signs of negative reactions, whether there is a difference in size or not.

Use a whitening floss to help whiten the area in between your teeth. Most don't notice that we do get stains in between our teeth as well as on the front. The use of whitening floss will help remove those stains. Flossing regularly will also help your gums get healthier which will contribute to your beautiful smile.

You can see that you don't have to settle for a dull smile if you have the know-how to get your teeth as white as they can be. Use the information above to develop a teeth whitening plan that you can live with, and you will be on your way to a permanently brighter smile and whiter teeth.