You have been looking for great tips regarding teeth whitening and, you have come to the right place. Your teeth are a representation of your entire personality, and you want them to look their best. Use the free tips in this article for some of the best advice available.

For immediate results, visit a professional teeth whitening service. You'll only need to make a few trips to your dentist and the result will be white, bright teeth. Dentists can use techniques not offered in over-the-counter preparations.

To keep your teeth looking as bright as possible, you will want to cut back on cigarettes, red wine, coffee, etc. If you can't give up your coffee and other drinks known to cause staining, you may want to consider drinking them through a straw, so these beverages don't come in contact with your teeth.

Rinse your month with water after drinking coffee, tea, cola or red wine. These substances are notorious for staining teeth and the stains can be very difficult to remove. Rinsing with water will wash away any residue left on your teeth preventing the substances from having prolonged contacted with your teeth and causing stains.

The most basic thing you can do to keep your teeth white is to keep your regularly scheduled dental appointments. Every six months, have your teeth cleaned at your dentist's office. If you have dental insurance, cleaning is covered twice a year.

If you have any untreated cavities or gum disease, you should see your dentist prior to beginning any teeth-whitening regimen. Use extreme caution when whitening. Your dentist can advise you the best plan for whitening tailor fit to your needs.

It is not a commonly known fact, but strawberries are a great teeth whitener. The natural compounds found in strawberries will whiten the teeth without using chemicals. You can either make a paste out of the berries and put them on your teeth for five minutes, or rub the fruit on your teeth.

Use mouthwash sparingly as it can add to discoloration of the teeth. Many mouthwashes contain alcohol or other stain causing chemicals. These can also be absorbed into the soft tissues in the mouth under the tongue and into your system. If you can avoid them altogether, this is the better option.

To wrap it up, you have struck a gold mine of information in regards to teeth whitening. Use the tips provided here to look your best. Hopefully you will find that not only your teeth look great, but you feel much better about your self as a result.