It's not about being perfect. Just gathering the information to make better eating decisions each and every day. This way you are mentally setting yourself up for success. Not creating expectations that can only lead to failure.

You are what you eat couldn't be more true.

If you are filling your body full of processed foods that are high in calories, preservatives, and bad fat, you're going to feel crappy.

Pay attention to what you're eating and fill your body with moderate amounts of lean meat, loads of healthy veggies and fruits, and small amounts of healthy whole grains and good fats, are you're setting your body up to blast fat, fight off disease, and stay strong for the long run.You Can't Argue The Facts!

Super Simple Pointers To Improve Your Eating Habits For Good

1. Start Right – Eat A Healthy Breakfast!

Experts say it's natural to think if you don't eat in the morning you'll have room to eat more later in the day. However, numerous studies show eating a high-protein, high fiber, complex carb breakfast, increases your metabolism to burn more fat, and keeps you full longer, so you're less likely to eat unhealthy the rest of the day.

2. Put Your Snacks In A Bowl

This may seem like a bit of a mental game and it probably is, but when you put whatever you're eating out of the box or bag you'll eat less overall. This makes perfect sense because most of the time we eat mindlessly anyway.

3. Always Have Frozen Fruits And Veggies

When you aren't reliant on buying fresh fruits and veggies all the time you'll teach yourself to eat more. How many times have you gone to add berries to your salad only to find they're rotten? Frozen fruits and veggies are flash frozen, which means all the vitamins and minerals are sealed in, making them just as healthy as the fresh version.WebMD recommends loading your plate with deep green and colorful veggies first. This means you're giving yourself loads of vitamins and minerals and leaving less room for the junky stuff.

4. Say NO To Juice, Pop, And Other Sugary Drinks

Juice, pop, energy drinks, and most other drinks are loaded with sugar, very little nutrition, and tons of extra calories you just don't need.This interferes with getting the nutrients your body and mind requires to stay healthy and interferes with weight loss. For instance, a bottle of Gatorade has 150 calories 34 grams of sugar; neither of which are good for you. Do yourself a favor and choose water or tea for your beverage of choice to help you eat healthier.

5. Empty Out Junk Food

Take the time to empty your fridge, cupboard, and secret stashes of everything junky, including cookies, chips, ice cream, muffins, cake, and candy. When the temptation is removed from within reach, you have succeeded in half the battle.

6. Put Healthy Snacks In Your Purse And Car

Having healthy snacks with you all the time will decrease your chance of buying something from the vending machine or drive-thru. That's just asking for trouble!

7. Keep A Journal

This is a pain in the rear but it works. When you actually see what you are eating you'll realize just how much food you are scarfing down each day.Jot it down in a workbook or just type it into your phone. When you see it, you will believe it.

8. Pay Attention To What You Eat

Livestrong eating specialists suggest turning off all technical distractions when you eat so you can recognize what you are eating and even tap into when you're full. This means turn off the television, cell phone, and the radio, so you can tune into your pallet.

9. Teach Yourself To Un-Stuff

Your eating habits are all self-taught and one of them is to overeat. It's important to always pay attention to what you are eating and stop when you're full. Practice making a conscious effort to stop stuffing your face even before your tummy says you're full. It's just the healthy thing to do.

10. Cut Out Or Minimize Processed Food

All natural whole food is ALWAYS the best choice. By cutting out any food that's packaged, boxed, bagged, or sitting on the grocery shelf, you're going to drastically cut the fat and calories that are going into your body.

Use these 10 easy-peazy pointers to help you make healthier eating decisions for better health. You'll be glad you did.