There are many ways you can work to get a lot healthier than you are now and juicing is one of those ways. Of course, the type of juice you'll want to drink for any particular benefit is relative to that benefit, so make sure you read the article below for some juicing tips.

Leafy greens such as kale, spinach and parsley are sources of a variety of health benefits. For the healthiest juices, use mostly greens and then add other vegetables or fruit for flavoring. When you make juices primarily of fruit, they tend to be less healthy as they have much more sugar than those juices made with mostly greens.

Leaving a piece of fruit on the counter to rot will show you what will happen to your body if you stop eating healthy raw foods. That is exactly what happens to your organs when you eat nothing but processed garbage! If you're feeling unmotivated, look at that fruit and remember why you've chosen to juice.

Juicing is a wonderful part of a healthy lifestyle, but you don't have to be totally strict about what you consume. You should practice excellent health choices at least two-thirds of the time. The other third allows you to go out to a restaurant, have a few potato chips, or indulge in some ice cream.

Start slow when juicing. Juicing takes a while to get used to. Gentle vegetables are cucumber, celery and carrots. Carrots have a lot of sugar so do not use too much of them. Mix it up with various vegetables. Juicing too much at the start can cause you to feel sick to your stomach. Your body will tell you if you are juicing too much.

Always drink your juice right away after you have put it through the juicer! This is when the juice is most potent and has the most nutritional value. If you cannot get to it right away, get to the juice and drink it as soon as possible. Do not make a large amount of juice to store.

When it comes to juicing, one thing that you want to keep in mind is that you will want to make sure that you purchase all of your fruits and vegetables from local farmers markets. Local farmers markets often will have a greater selection and lower prices than normal grocery stores.

When it comes to juicing, one thing that you want to keep in mind is to make sure that you keep a good stock of additional flavors that you can stir into your juice. This is important because sometimes fruits and vegetables do not taste great by themselves and you may need to add certain ingredients to bring out the best flavors.

Armed with the knowledge of how to create fresh juice and how to make the most of all the benefits it provides, you are well prepared to enjoy a healthier way of life. As you start juicing, you will be able to feel the difference in your general sense of health and well-being.