Whether you want to learn more about juicing fruits and vegetables for weight loss or strictly for health purposes, there is no denying that a juicer can be the healthy person's best friend. This handpicked selection of juicing tips and tricks will give you a head start on this healthy approach to nutrition.

Try to use locally-grown fruits and vegetables in your juicing. The best option is to use produce that you've grown yourself. Every mile that a piece of fruit needs to be transported to get to you increases the carbon footprint of your glass of juice. It also increases the chance of your produce becoming contaminated with bacteria or chemicals.

Make sure to leave your vegetables and fruits out at room temperature before juicing. Healthy juice is best at room temperature, so make sure to take the produce out of the fridge for a little while before you make the juice. Drinking cold juice can shut slow down the digestive system.

The best kind of juicer to buy is one that will masticate the juice. This will allow you receive more of the natural vitamins, as well as let you store the juice for longer periods of time with out ruining anything. These types of juicers will basically “chew” the food till it is in juice form.

If you can't afford to juice with organic fruit and vegetables, don't worry about it. It's nice to have pesticide-free items, but you can only work with what you have available. Wash your produce in a mixture of 8 cups of water with 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 3 tablespoons of baking soda to get all the nasty stuff off. Rinse your produce well before using.

Know where your vegetables grow to decrease sugar content. Vegetables that grow underground such as carrots or beets, will contain a higher level of natural sugars than above ground veggies. While natural sugars are good for you, they must be taken in moderation like anything else. Keep a proper blend of upper and lower-ground vegetables to prevent overdoing the sugars.

When it comes to juicing, one thing that you want to keep in mind is that when purchasing a juicer you will want to get a dual gear juicer. This is important, because with the extraction process used by this type of juicer, the most amount of enzymes and nutrients are retained.

One tip in order to keep the nutrients in the juice preserved even when storing it is to use air tight containers. Another tip with regards to preservation is to add a few drops of lemon to it and keeping the juice refrigerated. The longer the juice is stored, the less nutritious it becomes.

Maybe you have considered juicing in the past or have heard a friend gush over the many benefits of drinking pure fruit and vegetable juices. Regardless of your motivations, you are sure to find that these tips will be an excellent starting point for your initiation into the healthy juicing lifestyle.