White teeth are one of the main icons of success in today's business world, as well as in day to day social life. If someone has a nice smile, that signals to everyone around them that they are a nice, confident, successful person who they should be friendly with. Read on to find out how you too can have a brighter smile!

If you experience any irritation with teeth whitening strips in which you leave on for 2 hours, you should try the ones that you leave on for a half hour in place of these. Although it will take two weeks of applying these strips twice a day for a half hour, gums are less likely to be sensitive.

You should keep in mind that teeth whitening only works for your real, natural teeth. It will not work on any crowns, veneers, implants, or fillings you have in your mouth. So if you have a lot of these, it may not be worth the expense of trying to whiten your teeth.

You need proper dental cleanings prior to whitening treatments. Go every six months, and always schedule your next appointment while you are in the office for your cleaning. Though it is common to procrastinate on doing this, take advantage of the fact that most dental plans cover two cleanings per year.

Surprisingly, baking soda is almost as effective as most long term teeth whiteners and is much cheaper. Mix about two table spoons of soda to one table spoon of water to form a paste, then, brush your teeth with this paste. If you do not like the taste, substitute a mouthwash for the water.

When you want whiter teeth, do not be fooled by the different kinds of toothpastes available. Toothpaste that claims to whiten your teeth is frequently more expensive than normal toothpaste. When trying to remove stains from your teeth, regular toothpaste works just as well and is often cheaper than whitening toothpaste.

Approximately half of all patients who try some sort of whitening treatment, especially those at home, will experience some level of tooth sensitivity as a result. If this happens to you, try lowering the concentration of the product that you are using, and see if that corrects the problem.

Make appointments with your local dentist regularly to clean your teeth. There is nothing that can be as thorough as a dentist in cleaning your teeth and helping you keep a white smile. If you have the dentist clean your teeth once or even twice a year, you will see that you have to worry less about keeping your teeth white- the only exception is unless you are a smoker.

As you age, teeth will naturally yellow so it is important to have preventative care and whitening done. Maintain proper dental visits and cleanings as well as your regular brushing habits. Minimize sodas, teas, coffees and avoid excesses of sticky foods. These things will prolong the natural white color of your teeth.

Whitening your teeth can certainly change your social and professional life! Small things make big impressions! A bright smile is appealing to many! Apply the techniques in this article to whiten your teeth now, and you'll reap the benefits for years to come.