Picture this, you have a great smile, and you paid no extra money to get it. Teeth whitening is important to you. However, you do not have a lot of extra cash to spend on it. This article will provide the many ways that you can whiten your teeth without spending a lot of money.

In addition to being a great source of vitamin C, lemons and oranges may be helpful in whitening your teeth. Rub the inside of the peel on your teeth for a subtle whitening effect. The addition of a pinch of salt will improve the effect of the lemon and orange peels.

Try not to use over-the-counter whitening products without first consulting with your dentist. A lot of the times, these products' harsh chemicals can actually damage your teeth, far from the intended benefits. Your dentist will be able to help you determine if your tooth enamel is strong enough for OTC treatments.

If you want to whiten your teeth naturally, then look no further that your box of baking soda. This is one of the most proven home remedies. Make a paste with baking soda and water and brush your teeth using this paste, and then rinse. When done consistently, you will soon have gleaming white teeth.

Try not to drink water that contains fluoride or using any toothpaste that contains it. Contrary to the popular belief that it is good for your teeth it has been shown to have a staining effect! Other countries have all together banned the use of it in their water because of dangers.

Surprisingly, baking soda is almost as effective as most long term teeth whiteners and is much cheaper. Mix about two table spoons of soda to one table spoon of water to form a paste, then, brush your teeth with this paste. If you do not like the taste, substitute a mouthwash for the water.

Avoid using mouthwashes that contain alcohol or have coloring added to them. These colorings are known to have a staining effect on your teeth. The chemicals that they use are also not good for you. One well known mouthwash has been known to stain your teeth a brownish color.

In conclusion, you can attain a great smile, and it does not take a lot of money to do so. There are many natural ways of getting a great smile and as promised, at the beginning of the article, they have been provided to you. Hopefully, you will benefit from this information.