Coach Luke

Coach Luke

Coach Luke is a health and fitness professional creating new life experiences by helping people achieve their overall health and fitness goals.

Ways to Start Respecting Yourself

Ways to Start Respecting Yourself Self-respect is having confidence and behaving with pride, honor, and dignity. It is an inherent quality of every human being whatever your status in life. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, many people lose it,…

Are You Being Treated with Respect?

Are You Being Treated with Respect? Respect is one of our most basic needs. By definition, various dictionaries define respect as either admiration, a polite attitude, or honor. Simply put, to give respect means to uphold a human being’s innate…

What is Emotional Intelligence?

What is Emotional Intelligence? Category: Personal Development | Reading Time: [wps_highlight background=”#FCD901″ color=”#000000″][wp_time_to_read][/wps_highlight] Emotional intelligence or emotional quotient refers to a person’s ability to identify and manage their emotions, and the emotions of others. Being able to correctly identify the…

How Emotional Intelligence Reduces Stress

How Emotional Intelligence Reduces Stress Emotional intelligence or emotional quotient refers to a person’s ability to understand his or her emotions, express those emotions thoughtfully, and handle interpersonal relationships with empathy.Emotions bring a variety of feelings to us, in different…